I am always amused each time I hear comments about villages, hamlets or small towns. People who live or come from big towns sometimes poke fun at individuals from villages by saying; "are you not from this way to village?" We are familiar with big sign boards at the entrance of cities saying "Welcome to ..." and then there usually is a slogan of what makes the city stand out. However, when you travel on the highway and you are approaching a small village, there will be a small wooden sign post with the inscription; "this way to..."
There is a similarity between the above description and the road to eternity. Mathew 7:13 NIV
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it".
Jesus himself is the Way, the Truth and Life. In other words, there is a need for a personal encounter in this race to heaven. It has to be more than a fad, routine or what is expected of you. Jesus is the compass as we run this race and He alone is the one who give us strength and grace to carry on. We are faced with discouragement and we tend to grow weary by the distractions on the road, however, we are called to remain focused and run the race set before us. Having an encounter means; acknowleging that you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, repenting, confessing and forsaking your sins, inviting Jesus into your heart as your Lord and saviour and asking Him to lead you through His word to heaven.
Maybe you are wondering what am saying, there is a need to bring your life under the management of the Lord Jesus Christ so He can become your Lord and saviour and write your name in the lamb's book of Life. If you have made this decision but have become weary and it seems that His promises will never come through because of life's challenges, know this that He is not a man that He should lie!. Whatever He has said will come to pass. If your focus is shifting, or you have become familiar with the whole process, vocabulary and activities in Church, there is a need to go back to the place of rededication and commitment back to the Lover of your soul. Jesus loves you!
Live this week with a conviction that you know whom you believe and let your light shine. Let men know that "This way is to eternal life" through your life style.