We all have issues, what are you doing about yours?
In this context I am talking about "personal problem, emotional disorder" that's the dictionary definition by the way. The question is not if you have issues, it is about being solution oriented...Do you need to seek help, do you need to look inwards to make changes? You get to a point in your relationship that talking to older friends, contemporaries or family members does not really cut it. Here are a few things that the Lord has helped me understand over time:
**If anyone tells you they have a perfect relationship, thank God for them but that is not true, they have mastered their differences and are working at them.
**It is not enough to join every group about marriage without putting anything you learn to use.
**People learn to work out their differences, improve on areas that constitute a sore point and pick up their cross daily looking unto Jesus.
**There are times that you will reach your tipping point, you may need to SEEK HELP at that junction; spiritual or professional, do not shy away!.
**The main issues that surface year in year out need to be purposefully sorted out (if pressing toothpaste is still a problem after years of marriage, then maybe you need to resort to chewing stick or get it right!)
**The grass only LOOKS greener on the other side or maybe people pay a higher bill on hydro.
**For every cordial, blissful relationship, someone is paying a price of humility, respect and submission
**You are not your friend/brother/sister, you need to work out your OWN relationship. Your uniqueness plays a role in your relationship, find out what works in your own home.
**Do not compare yourself with anybody, you are the only one with your DNA.
**Play in your relationship, something brought you together, it has to be maintained.
**What you sow now in your relationship will yield fruits, watch out for harvest!
**You can't leave things to work themselves out, you have to work them out.
**Unresolved issues fester and they stink overtime.
**Rediscover the friend/lover/charmer (or whatever tickled your fancy about your spouse) you married.
**If you are married, there is a little word that has to be a buzz word SEX, (I know the guys will love me for this, you never have too much of this in marriage...lol)
**PRAY,PRAISE,PRAY and PRAY a little more until your issues become resolved...maybe they will not all be but at least you will enjoy every moment to the best of your ability. Phil.4:6
I am working at my issues and am trusting God for positive results...how about you?
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Excelling @ Work
Having said that, there is a place of PRAYER, there is
another place of PREPARATION. When you
go to work what is on your mind? Your bills,
paycheck and bank account? I am sure you are asking me what is on my own
mind when I go to work…I think about lives that are touched by what I do, I
think about making a difference and I also think about getting better at what I
do everyday. Perhaps your kind of job may never warrant you to stand before the
CEO, however, if you make a difference and strive to be the best your effort
will not go unnoticed. God is aware of what you are doing and for every time
you sacrifice, you get God’s attention, you get His intervention and He brings
deliverance when you need it. You need to prepare for every assignment, preparation could mean TRAINING.
I was getting ready to for this write up and the scripture
God gave me was not one of the verses I can call “rev” revealation I mean. Here
it is:
1 Kings 7:13 New Living
“King Solomon then
asked for a man named Hiram to come from Tyre, for he was a skilled craftsman
in bronze work. 14 He was half Jewish, being the son of a widow of
the tribe of Naphtali, and his father had been a foundry worker from Tyre. So
he came to work for King Solomon”.
The book of 1 Kings 7 chronicles the details of the work
that was done in the house of King Solomon.
He sent for a skilled man in the craft of bronze, That tells me he was
the best at what he did. He was notable, reknowned and the go to person in what
he did. The Holy Spirit asked me; “are you relevant in what you do?” Will
people go all out to get your services? Are you one of the best at your work
I have seen people cry about discrimination at work, in
their business and this is quite legitimate. The million dollar question is
“what do you bring to the table every where you go?” If you get to work late,
procrastinate, avoid helping others, you are not likely to be everyone’s
favorite at work. How do you see your
work? What is the driving or motivating factor for doing what you do?. Hiram
was ‘called’, ‘sought out’, ‘invited’ because of what he did and his skills, he
was skilled. Is your business one of the few that comes to mind when services
in your world are desired? Do you open your office at the time you have
scheduled? Do you have any customer service skills? Do you take things for
granted in your business or work? Is
your business done from home and you can wake up anytime? The book of Proverbs
22:29 says:
“Do you see a
man who excels in his work?
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before unknown men”.
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before unknown men”.
In order to excel and stand before kings, you must have done
due diligence to stand before men. When you learn to stand before men, they
recommend you for kings. Are you waiting to become a contractor? You need to
work for someone first to acquire the skills you need. Are you hoping to become
a politician? You need to learn how to work without people to be able to work
with people. If you can not function on your own, how will you function with
people. You are made with the best material, God expects you to excel in what
you do. If you are not doing anything, you need to get busy because; “The hand of the diligent will rule,But the
lazy man will be put to forced labor”. Prov. 12:24
Is there a place for diligence at home, in your
relationship? Every man whose wife listens, respects and honors them must have
done something to earn that. Every woman whose husbands loves, attends to them
and do the right things for them must have paid a price to get to where they are now. Are you
diligently doing what the word of God asks of you as a husband/wife? When you
are diligent your home will reap the dividend of diligence.
I pray that you will excel at what you do, stand out and tall, receive favour, wisdom and
understanding this week in Jesus name.
Have a God-filled, favored and productive week in Jesus
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Praising & Praying on Training Ground
Praising and Praying on Training Ground...
It is very easy to criticize but difficult to make a significant different. Instead of criticizing and complaining you need to start making a significant difference in your home. Prayer and praise are still the two major ways to bring a turn around to a challenging situation.
God is interested in hearing your voice when you are going through your training for that is what your challenges are - TRAINING. Tomorrow is another opportunity to gather and fellowship as well as pour out your heart to the Father. God is working it out for your good. Shalom!
Monday, 21 October 2013
Here & Now
New week, new challenges, new expectations, new lessons to learn, new opportunities to right our wrong and improve our homes, new promises by the word of God to attain new heights. Let us do our own part in getting what God has handed out unto us on a platter of gold.
Psalms 23:5-6 NASB
"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"
Sometimes we are too busy focusing on the things that do not work instead of appreciating and enjoying the things that do. We often ruin what is with what is suppose to be. Where are the challenges of yesterday years? Where are the mountains you thought were insurmountable 20 years ago (or whatever number of years seems so far for you?). I have learned to live each day filled with gratitude for the seemingly simple miracles knowing that if God refuses to be God I will be totally messed up. The things that am yet to have will be mine if they are in God's plan for me. The things that I have right now, I do not really deserve them but for His mercies.
Choose to rest in God's love as you step into a new week knowing fully well that He knows the end from the beginning. Alpha and Omega, Jehovah Rapha, Jireh, my everything for all situations! I choose to live each moment knowing that you have me covered and insured. Do not allow your fear to destroy what God has prepared for now. Tomorrow follows God's order to worry about itself. Matthew 6:34“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
As you step into a new day, appreciate God, be grateful and look up to Him for strength for that which is to come. Live Here and Now in understanding that God has the future in His care. Let the word of God have a place in your heart instead of worrying over anything. A great week filled with testimonies is ahead of you. God loves you and so do I.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Location & Decisions
The topography of your location can impact your decisions positively or negatively. If you are in a cave, your decisions are likely to be limited in its impact to within the cave. Also, if you take a decision in the valley, you are likely to limit the scope of our decision by the things you can see in the valley. However, destiny related decisions should not be made when you are at an all time low. The best place to make a decision is on the mountain top. It signifies the place of spiritual strength. Jesus some took his disciples to the mount of transfiguration to impart their destiny.

Mark 9:2 NKJV "And after six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them".
Some decisions we make based on where we are at; wearied, discouraged, tired, frustrated, spent, angry or hungry, broke are bound to be error prone. Elijah requested his ministry to be terminated as a result of where he was; tired, frustrated. He came off mount Carmel and was "under" a juniper tree. God expects us to be on the mountain top where eagles soar. There is no doubt about the fact that we will experience "low", God's expectation is that our low, insignificant moments will afford us the opportunity to gather strength, regroup and relaunch unto higher heights.
The mountain provides a great view, it is a position of advantage and it is meant to be a lasting one because the mountains have been for generations. We are able to focus on God when we are on the mountain. Getting to the mountain requires effort, it tasks your physical strength but once you are there, you are refreshed and you access clean air. All of these have deeper meaning when you sit to meditate on the word of God.
Before you resign because of the differences between you and your boss, before you leave your church because of your Pastor or his wife or HOD, before you relocate because you are broke or finally before you leave your home because of interpersonal differences, gather strength from God. He is the strength of the helpless and the enabler of the disadvantaged. When you get to the mountain top the view will be different but you may never get the chance to undo your mistake at that point.
God has promised not to leave you nor forsake you. Do not allow your location to negatively affect your destiny defining decision. Come up Exodus 24:12 "Then the Lord said to Moses; come up to me on the mountain and be there". So for the tired, wearied, disadvantaged, discouraged, God wants you to come aside unto Him to seek his face and obtain mercy? The mountain affords you the opportunity to hang out with God.
Wishing you a great week ahead.

Mark 9:2 NKJV "And after six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them".
Some decisions we make based on where we are at; wearied, discouraged, tired, frustrated, spent, angry or hungry, broke are bound to be error prone. Elijah requested his ministry to be terminated as a result of where he was; tired, frustrated. He came off mount Carmel and was "under" a juniper tree. God expects us to be on the mountain top where eagles soar. There is no doubt about the fact that we will experience "low", God's expectation is that our low, insignificant moments will afford us the opportunity to gather strength, regroup and relaunch unto higher heights.
The mountain provides a great view, it is a position of advantage and it is meant to be a lasting one because the mountains have been for generations. We are able to focus on God when we are on the mountain. Getting to the mountain requires effort, it tasks your physical strength but once you are there, you are refreshed and you access clean air. All of these have deeper meaning when you sit to meditate on the word of God.
Before you resign because of the differences between you and your boss, before you leave your church because of your Pastor or his wife or HOD, before you relocate because you are broke or finally before you leave your home because of interpersonal differences, gather strength from God. He is the strength of the helpless and the enabler of the disadvantaged. When you get to the mountain top the view will be different but you may never get the chance to undo your mistake at that point.
God has promised not to leave you nor forsake you. Do not allow your location to negatively affect your destiny defining decision. Come up Exodus 24:12 "Then the Lord said to Moses; come up to me on the mountain and be there". So for the tired, wearied, disadvantaged, discouraged, God wants you to come aside unto Him to seek his face and obtain mercy? The mountain affords you the opportunity to hang out with God.
Wishing you a great week ahead.
Compliment not Critize
Criticism is a very necessary part of life, as a matter of fact, it challenges us to take a closer look at ourselves, what we do on a daily basis from someone else's perspective. Criticism could be quite constructive when done in a healthy, positive manner. You can not see your own back, it will take someone watching you from behind to see how and what is going on behind you. Having said that, criticism could be destructive if offered from the perspective of pulling the other party down. Case in point in a Relationship (marriage, friendship, colleague and so on).
Compliment is an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration. A sincere compliment boosts one's morale. When you always find what is positive in people, it draws them to you and makes them feel good about themselves. Now, you can not always compliment people when there is nothing complimentary about what they do. However, you can make help them see what is good or how to change for the better when you construct your compliment about a negative trait in a positive manner. As good as it is to say it the way it is, you are likely to destroy relationships if your speech is not seasoned with grace.
When you constantly say the things that are wrong in someone else, they build a wall to prevent you from getting to them. Smart people improve their performances, outlook towards life from the criticism you have received. We will quickly look at some scenarios:
Friendship: the friend who constantly tells you how badly your clothes look on you, how scattered your teeth are and how old your car is may always put you on the defence. If your friend always complains about your work, how poorly you cook and how you do not seem to know how life works, then you have to note the things they talk about, make corrections if necessary and probably distance yourself from them if you find they bring you down or bring out the worst in you.
Colleague: every job no matter how simple requires a level of training. You have to ensure that you are constantly improving yourself so that you are at the cutting edge of what you do. There are colleagues who always find faults, they complain and criticize every move and action so that you feel you do not know what you are doing. In dealing with this class of people, you have to get more training, constantly ensure that you know the "how" and "why" of things at work. It is only when you know these two that you can be outstanding at work.
Marriage: this is one area where negative criticism could be destructive, that is because you can not wake up one day and tell yourself you have had enough of your spouse just because they criticize what you do. However, it could be like a leaking faucet if all you do all the time is to criticize your partner. Yes, you are the only one who can tell them the truth, but how do you communicate the truth? In telling your spouse that they need to improve their performance at work, do you end up making them feel idiotic, totally unwanted? For example, your husband got a raise at work, but nothing near your friend's husband and you ask him if he does not like working in a bank. He innocently responds yes, he does and you end up by saying "if you can just get a well paying job in the bank, our lot will be better like Mr X". You have just dealt that man a nasty blow because of your criticism. Proverbs 27:15 "A continual dripping on a very rainy day
And a contentious woman are alike".
Also, if you tell your wife "you can not shop in that store, it is only for people up to size 16". Without saying a lot, you have said too much, there is no need to be petty when we constructively criticize. However, things can get bad when we intend to rubbish people with our criticism..
I have discovered that you can state a negative fact in a positive way. So instead of sounding negative, you can make your partner pay attention when you compliment them. So for your wife who cooks with a lot of salt, start with "thanks dear for taking time to make this food, I appreciate all the good work you put in, I am cutting back on my salt in-take, do you mind reducing the amount you put in my food? You have respectfully identified something wrong and they will pay attention to it. In following up on that, the next meal that has less salt should be complemented as well.
Do you appreciate your spouse for paying the rent, mortgage or for those whose houses are paid up, thank him for something that is his responsibility but he does without you having to remind him. I said to my husband one day, "thanks for providing us shelter, I appreciate you for the fact that I do not have to cry or struggle towards the end of the month or worry about the payment for this place". He was not sure what I wanted or where I was going, but he said thanks. He too complements me for the things I do, "this meal is world class taste, you look nice in this skirt" and so on. Even though we are still working on his ability to recognize when I just got back from the salon, but I allow that to slide most times....lol
I know of women who are expert cooks today and they had no idea of how to cook some years ago because their husbands encouraged them. They went from watery stews to nice presentable dishes. Some women pointed out the strengths in their husbands constantly and today their self esteem has become enhanced.
Your change will come only when you initiate it and you are willing to pay the price. Why not limit the harsh criticism and start identifying things that can be complemented in our partners. The first few times you say it, you may even sound fake to yourself, your partner may ask you what you want, where that is coming from? or why you are acting weird, those are all the questions that accompany positive change. Just keep at it and when you are dealing with a very knotty case, remember you can tackle that in the place of prayer. Your CHANGE is bound to come.
By the way, you show depth by reading this, and you are very sociable by sharing this piece with a friend...lol There, I just paid you a complement, pay it forward at home and then to those around you.
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