Monday, 6 May 2013

Bid Me Come

The story was told of a young man who became a manager in a bank at a very young age. There was no doubt about the fact that he was smart and knew his onions. Attached to his position were perks; an official car, driver, travel allowance, and all other fun stuff. He worked very hard and had results to show in such a short time. Then one of his friends asked him why he does not socialize and join other friends to have fun, he told his friend his work was demanding. The friend told him "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". He agreed to socialize with his friends every now and then. First it was Friday evenings and later Saturdays and the more friends he had, the more popular he became and the more his friends told him he is the life of their gatherings.

This young man could afford to spend money which made people (friends?) swarm around him constantly. After a while, his weekend schedule became so packed that he was always very tired on Monday morning. This affected his job and in no time, his review showed that he was no longer capable of handling the requirements of his job. He was transferred to another unit in a lower position not because he was a bad person or incompetent. He failed to focus on what was pertinent!

We will consider Matthew 14:28-31 New International Version

28 "Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,”(W) he said, “why did you doubt?”

I am sure you have read about the story of Peter and his feat of walking on water, his audacity at asking Jesus to beckon him to come on water. We must have also wondered why he would doubt or be afraid at the end of the day when he had the master right in front of him....why would he be distracted? I asked myself a question  a few days ago as The Lord laid this topic on my mind "why do I still get agitated by the storm?" Regardless of our faith and God's grace, a lot of us still make the same mistakes Patriarchs of old made. Apostle Paul said, "Now all these things happened to them as examples and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come". 1 Corinthians 10:11 NKJV

When you and I agreed to heed the call of salvation, excitement, confidence and zeal propelled us to go any height for God and the things of God. We loved spending and being spent for God. However, storms arise at different times and in different forms; disappointments, discouragements, failure, lack, unfulfilled promises and they only have one purpose, to distract. When a man or woman promised you love and at the end of the day he/she disappoints you, it increases your tendency to take your look off the Master, doubt and sink. Work challenges could constitute a storm, you have been loyal and committed to an organization and yet you are denied your due promotion because you are not in on how others do it. Perhaps you get victimized because your uncompromising life style makes others uncomfortable. Are you are contemplating and doubting what you have always believed now?
Bring it about in the church, has your leader, Pastor, HOD or other men or women of title discouraged you about the great race? Do you have records, examples and lists of hurts of how you have been used and perhaps dumped, offended and what have you? You can not dwell on those at the risk of the great call. Remember who asked you to come, these ones are just part of the storm so you must not get wearied or discouraged otherwise you are going to sink and if they repent of the wrong they have done to you, you will end up being on the losing end. Keep the eyes of the Master.

How many times have you attempted an examination and failed? Is the fact that you have applied for jobs and yet come short in interviews making your vision blurry because you can no longer see the Master but the effects of failure and disappointment? May be your spouse who used to be "honey" has lost all sweetness and now represents sorrow and bitterness in your life. You only co
ncentrate on revenge and getting back to the extent that you can no longer see the Master or remember that He has bid you come. After years of investing to train children in way of The Lord, it becomes a big slap, even dent on our pride/accomplishments when the children make grave mistakes; get expelled from school, get pregnant or drop out of school, join a bad group or totally derail from the path of righteousness. These storms hit us so bad that the rising of the waves and vehement beating on us make us cower and sink. The cruel remarks and comments from supposed friends  about how woefully we have failed make us bury our heads in shame even though the Master is right in front of us.

Have you suffered a job loss, totally unsure of how to meet the needs at home, church, among friends and even other dependents? Is the imagery of how sad and horrifying effect of depending on others for financial assistance driving you to do what is biblically, morally and ethically wrong? Have you lost your gaze, focus on the Master in a bid to figure out the way forward? Has your patience reached the limit because you are trusting God for the fruit of the womb? No one can fault you for getting frustrated, Abraham, the father of faith himself was distracted at a you wonder if God can still come through at your age? God has a track record!

The storm rises when we are most vulnerable! If you are single, be sizzling for The Lord, settling below the standard of God because you have waited for long will only complicate matters. Regardless of the storms and distraction, Jesus has bid you come, when you shift your focus off the Master unto your prevailing circumstance there is a high risk of depression, loneliness, frustration, anger and worldliness. Is your home taking a pounding because there is disagreement, bitterness,disappointment and regret, sinking and destruction is inevitable except you keep your eyes on The Lord. Jesus says; "Fear not, why did you doubt?" Focus is the watch word. Here is my definition full words of the acronym Focus

Face set

As you step into a new week, new challenges and new opportunities, let your focus remain on the Master, storms will come, but know who's got your back.

He will not let you fall!


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