Monday, 17 June 2013

Examination Hall

I remember examination days in my tertiary institution now with a sense of relief... The tension, anxiety and stress almost palpable! Once the question paper gets on your desk, you quickly scan through to ensure you recognize the things you have read in preparation for the examination.When you have made adequate preparation: studying, memorizing, practising and burning the midnight oil, you quickly download on the paper answers to the question. At some point you come across some question that are somewhat twisted, you may have to take a deep breath, read and reread the question to ensure you understand what is being asked. Sometimes, you may have to look up for inspiration to questions you are not quite familiar with, trying to remember your notes or textbook content. You feel a sense of satisfaction when you think you are all done, you reveiw, revise and get up to submit your answer sheet. Some students position themselves beside their friends in a bid to ask for assistance when stuck. They understand the risk of being caught but all the same they feel it is worth the risk. Sometimes they go uncaught, once in a while most especially when it matters most, some people get caught and scared for life because they get expelled or disqualified from writing the examination.

Life presents us with examination from time to time. No two people will ever right the exact examination although they may write similar exams. Preparation is key in writing life's examination and the only one who has the answers to ALL examinations is God. Who do you turn to when you are writing your own examination? Do you depend on friends to copy them, their ideas or answers? Do you plan to bring in cheat sheets, or pages of textbooks? Are you cheating through life's exams or do you watch people who cheat and seem to get by? Life is designed to ask you about what you have put into it? You can only get promotion when you have successfully passed your examination. Most students who pass with good grades are hard working.  Abraham, Joseph, David and the Apostles of old all had their own exams, each person became a good reference point because of the way they prepared for and excelled in their examinations.

Every examination comes at a price, whether it is your patience, love, home, ability to trust God, Career, perseverance you have to pay the price of dedication to achieve success. God wanted to prove the heart of Abraham and He requested him to sacrifice his only son. Genesis 22:1-3 ASV

"And it came to pass after these things, that God did prove Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham. And he said, Here am I.
And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah. And offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
And Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son. And he clave the wood for the burnt-offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him"

What examination of life are you facing? There is need for preparation and knowledge of the one who has the answer and solution to the tough questions. Patience makes it tolerable when you are not 'getting it". Some people have sat for similar examinations and have passed, I pray that you will not fail the examination that life presents you with. As you go into a new week, I pray that God will favour you by giving you inspiration that will make you successful in all examinations; marital, physical, spiritual and all. Wishing you success as you write a new set of examination this week.

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