I have no doubt in my mind that they both were about spiking a fever due to infections in their open wounds. However, they decided to invite God into their situation, they took their worship to another level. Their reaction got God's personal attention, He did not send an angel but He came to eyeball their situation Himself. You know in His presence there is fullness of joy and where His spirit is, there is liberty. Chains and fetters snapped physically and spiritually at the sight of the Ancient of days, the prison was shaken to its foundation. What a God! Everyone who chooses to be radical and crazy for their stand for Christ always, always experience extreme testimonies, remember the 3 Hebrew boys!
Acts 16:25
The jailor took a look at the situation and passed himself a death sentence, he wanted to make the work of his superiors simpler by saving them the time spent in cross examining him. It is unheard of that prisoners sit tight in their cells after a prison break! Paul and Silas told the poor jailor not to do the unthinkable but rather to accept pardon for His sins. When heaven visits protocols are broken! The jailor took the prisoners to his own house, washed their wounds, risked his job and life, it did not matter at this point, he has seen the move of the invisible God and experienced a new dimension of God's power. He asked from the prisoners how he could be free, what an irony, they led him to the way of life.
Before you occupy the corner of self pity because of your situation, think of how to keep your praise intact and get God's attention! Do not lose your praise because of your prison, let it lead to freedom by looking unto the Rock that never fails. Remember Paul and Silas the men who moved the heaven and earth, even their prison foundation. They praised God, not in a pleasant situation or luxurious arena but behind bars, with bleeding stripes and weakened bodies! Your situation will yet give way to sound of joy and victory.
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