To all my single friends in the house...
Going to those who sell...
The story of the ten virgins is a parable that Jesus shared to depict a lot of things. Matthew 25:4-9
"but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.
6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming;[a] go out to meet him!’ 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.
Preparation: You must have heard that marriage requires preparation. Your preparation must be able to last you beyond the wedding day. As good as it is to dress well, provide food and drinks for guest, you have to be mentally, emotionally and physically prepared for the challenges that marriage brings. The virgins ran out of oil because they were probably excited about meeting the bridegroom that they did not put any thought into preparing for the possibility of a delay. As you get excited and anticipate a proposal; remember that you may have to wait for the bridegroom. In order words, a demand is likely to be placed on your patience in the area of finance, selflessness, tolerance etc. Learn as much as you can and pray hard towards marriage so you do not arrive totally unprepared.
Emotional Preparation: there are emotionally challenges you need to prepare for. If you are insecure in any way, ensure you get help and get rid of your insecurity, otherwise, marriage will expose how insecure you are by your reactions to situations.
Physical preparation: its often said that you should dress the way you want to be addressed. Whether you are male or female, your appearance says so much about you and it can either make or mar your image. If you are engaged as a girl and you wear revealing clothes, you are sending the wrong message across. If you are single and you dress like a grandma, you are likely to turn off likely candidates. Having said that, you do not want to dress well only before marriage but during marriage in order to keep your home. If you are a single guy, you can not afford to dress like a retired farmer and except any of the good looking sisters in church to pay any attention to you.
Financial preparation is important for the man and the woman. Uncles, Aunties and friends may assist you with your fairytale wedding, but after the wedding you have to settle down into your marriage. If you have not adequately prepared and you run out of money, you may likely run out of love too. Maybe there was no love involved originally you protest. Money has a way of enhancing love, the absence of money can cause friction in a marriage.
Finally, the Anointing, The Holy Spirit lubricates, prevents friction and rust. If you allow Him in your marriage, you will enjoy all things. He will teach you and you will not be rusty, he will help you and you will not have constant friction in your home. When you run out of oil in your relationship, you become forced to go to those who sell. Pornography, TV shows, irreconcilable differences, ideas that are not supported by the bible and so on, then become the options you have when you do not allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your relationship. You have to be adequately prepared before stepping into marriage. Wishing you all the best again. I commit you into His eternal hands for guidance and direction. In the mean time, make sure you have enough oil to last you till the bridegroom comes.
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