Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Taking It by Force

"And from the days of John the Baptist, until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force". Matthew 11:12
A few years ago, this scripture only came to mind when I think about preaching the gospel.
I would like to assume you too at one point or the other have read this scripture, but it has a whole new meaning to me now. When I look around today, I realize that you must make sure that this scripture is written upon the tablets of your heart, you memorize it and practice it on a daily basis. With the level of atrocities some Christians commit, you know without a doubt that you need to guard jealously that which has been given to you. This write up is not about those who are deceiving others, taking advantage of fellow brethren, wearying the hands of the workers in the vineyard for their own pleasure but it is about making sure you DO NOT FALL PREY to them. That is why an understanding of the word of God; who you are, your position, God's expectations of and from you are all so important. Do not be naive or ignorant, "ignorant is said to be inadmissible even in the court of law".

A few years ago when I gave my life to Christ, the goal was to make heaven, you work on your weaknesses and you sing all manner of songs; "I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no looking back", "Whatever will hinder me from making heaven, Lord help me take it out of the way" and so on. The scariest thing is that the ones the devil has planted to hinder, cause offence and derail a lot of Christians are not too far from the fold. Right there in the church, wolves, now dress gorgeously in lambs clothing. They sit in high places where they can locate, identify and target their preys. Their blazing and deceitful eyes are sharpened by the offices they occupy and titles they bear. Devouring whichever lamb(s) seems appealing. I remember with so much nostalgia the days when brothers (we called them Bro) will disciple young sisters, help them to grow and become grounded in the word of God without any attachment or lustly desires. These brothers become your big brothers, part of your Christian family and years after you still relate well with them. As a female in the church, If you find a "brother" getting unduly close to you in the church these days, you will do yourself a whole lot of good by ensuring your guards are in place! 

Why am I so critical you ask? It hurts when the vulnerable are victims of those who should protect them. A lot of people come into the church after escapades in the world, someone preaches to them that there is salvation, they come to fellowship and find meaning to their lives. They see how happy people are, they desire a new beginning. They are weary of becoming active in church perhaps because of their past, but we echo and reecho what the love of God did at Calvary and how we have access to God's presence and are able to call Him Abba Father. These ones become encouraged, they believe the word of God about a new chapter opening in their lives, they make friends, join a group in the church to make a difference and to a large extent they think they are settled and members of the church. They pick up the lingo of the Church; "it is well", "bless you", they end their words with prayers in Jesus name. 

I would have loved to end this write up here with "and they lived happily ever after". No, that is not the new trend now. There is something that is now rampant, "Old prophets" in the church are now misleading young Christians; they start relationships that only lead to sexual sins with these ones, they violate the trust placed in them because of their titles and positions in the church. After these ones have been "cheated", they become bitter and leave the church. They feel cheated because if they were in the familiar terrain, they would be able to handle anyone who attempts to take advantage of them. However, these ones are defrauded because they have let down their guards because they were in the house of the Lord. Someone might want to be the devils advocate by saying "why do you make these young Christians appear naive when everything happens by mutual consent?" I will only say this "it is wrong to take advantage of those committed into your care. 

Matthew 18:6 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea".

Jesus did not mince words when He said this!
We can not afford to look away in our sphere of influence as the ones for whom Christ died are being led back into hell. It is better to go into heaven blind than with two eye, rot in hell. If you are in church and you find yourself being lured by whoever (never mind titles and do not be deceived by them) to sin, remember that you owe it to yourself and to God to enforce the word of God over your heart, desires and associations. Report any of such people to authorities, keep escalating until someone hears you. Any relationship whether with man or woman that will make you head towards hell, you should avoid like a plague. Without a doubt, the end times are here! For anyone who thinks being in the church positions you to see, touch and feel the best of girls, undefiled, pretty,hardworking, broken,damaged etc The mercy of God calls you to repentance today. Do turn around, a new leaf before it is too late. Jesus loves you, it is not too late! Repent, so your lamp does not go out.

Keep your heart with diligence, you can not complain about what you allow. Take the kingdom of God by force, let people call you names, despise you for your stand but make sure you are turned to hell. I commit each one of you to Him that is able to keep and preserve you till His coming. We are indeed in perilous times, I pray that God will give us shepherds after His own heart to lead us into righteousness.


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