Reading this write up affirms that God has indeed been faithful. It is the very last day in this beautiful year and indeed only God is worthy of our praises. I am not sure how much of His goodness you have witnessed this year, but He has proven Himself in so many ways that I can not count in my life in this year.
As I was preparing this last write up for the year, I sensed God wants us all to come to the place of evaluation, that is bring all that He has allowed us to read into perspective. Many times there are reactions such as; "Wao, Word straight from the throne, Gbam, true talk, blessed by this, more anointing, heart of God for now and so on" to a lot of articles and write up that we read as well as messages that we hear. However, the word of God will only profit us when it mixes with faith in us.
When we read or hear the word of God, it is not meant to excite us alone, it is meant to transform, heal, enlighten,deliver, bless and do all that it is sent to do. Homes and marriages of believers still suffer needless pain and hurt because we refuse to allow the word of God to fulfill its purpose. For as long as you still engage human wisdom, trying to do things your own way, worried about opinion of others instead of practising the word of God totally, then you will constantly wonder why there is no difference.
Romans 2:13 The Message version states "Merely hearing God’s law is a waste of your time if you don’t do what he commands. Doing, not hearing, is what makes the difference with God"
Doing, attempting daily to put to practice even in the face of much difficulty is what yeilds the needed result. You have toiled, struggled, insisted on your own way and yet the result has remained the same, are you not willing to go an extra mile with Jesus in every area where human effort has failed you? The year ahead is loaded, blessed, however challenging for those who will choose to do things their own way, who will maintain status quo.
God answers prayers, He does not fail and He will be true to you only if you are true to yourself. God can not be deceived, it is time to be totally yeilded unto Him in all things and you will experience the newness He alone can bring as He has promised. Isaiah 43:19 NIV
"See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland"
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland"
Be expectant, be willing to step into new things, be willing to try humility, submissiveness, kindness and live the fruit of the spirit each and every single one. I am assured that God will channel a way in that desert, wilderness of confusion and He will cause streams that will satisfy your thirst and dryness to flow. You need to be able to perceive it to recieve it.
Let us Press on to higher heights in Christ in 2013!
May the Lord keep you and cause His countenance to shine upon you. Thank you for all the encouragements and positive feedback. God is set to do a new thing in your life and He will do it. Wishing you a glorious year ahead in 2013.
I thank you all for allowing me to be a blessing in a way or the other.