Friday, 17 August 2012

In quest for my bone...

I want a perfect marriage, I am willing to give it what it takes but when will the man show up, how do I find a good woman considering the fact that a lot of women are in it for what they can get, not for the long haul? Has that not been the struggle of an average man/woman?, the quest to find the perfect bone and flesh. It is one thing to have suitors it is another to be looking and just be coming across the wrong individuals. What do I do to attract wrong personalities? “If I love the man, he does not love me, the one I do not love is all over me but his scores are low as far as the qualities I am looking for in a man”. “Most girls focus on the outside, I want a lady who loves the love, intelligent and has proper upbringing” I hear from a lot of single guys.

Hebrews 13:4 NKJV
 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge”.
The reality is that you cannot be the judge and jury... There is a God who knows the heart of every man, you need to give your own heart to Him first so that He can match you with the right person. I hear you say, how many times do you have to do that? Well, if that is settled then you need to look inwards;

What do you say?
How do you carry on?
Where do you hang out?
What is your disposition?
What is your expectation?

I have heard a young man quietly severe his relationship with a girl because of the things she says. Do not say what you do not mean. Trying to indirectly match the standard of a guy or girl can get you into trouble. Assuming that a man does not want a big family and so saying “I do not like children, they are a handful” can make you lose a decent man. Ask the Lord to guide the gates of your lips when you are talking so you do not just say senseless things that can destroy your future. Promising heaven and earth to a young lady because you want her at all cost will lead to frustration when you can not make such promises come to pass.  Do not borrow to satisfy any girl!

Be yourself, do not pretend to be who you are not. If you are from a humble family and God has blessed you by virtue of your career, do not talk as if you own the world. It may tick off a potential Mr or Ms Right. A lot of us are fond of talking big depending on what circle we find ourselves. Do not talk yourself out of God’s plan for your life by being “all that”. Humility is a virtue that speaks without you opening your mouth.

A Christian guy who visits a strip club looking for a wife will bring home a stripper so also a Christian lady who goes to the bar or parties to look for a husband to “refine” will bring home a drunk. “How do you know” you ask me? It is not everybody who goes to the bar who are drunk and neither does everyone  who goes to church is born again. True, but birds of the same feather are likely to flock together, mind the company you keep.  Before I got married, I had older friends who wanted to introduce single men to me,  if you are at an age where you find yourself becoming everyone’s project, do not get mad. .. just hang in and keep trusting God because the right person will come. Do not get upset at all the people you are likely to be introduced to, just take it in your stride, a sense of humor and trust that God will sift out the right person for you.  Learn not to waste time with those who are not serious or who you do not have anything in common with. You are not likely to have time to smell what you are not likely to eat.

If you are trusting God for a life partner and you are always wearing a frown, it may be a little challenging to find the right person.  Those who have men flocking around them have  very impressive personality,  girls are not likely to even look in your direction no matter how spiritual you are if you flare up at every disagreement.  Learn to be selfless and kind. You are likely to win a woman’s heart with kind gestures and gifts, be a giver.  Clean, neat appearance is important, if you speak in fire, never mind tongues but you are rough, unkempt and careless, a man may not be easily attracted to you.  Learn how to tolerate other people’s company and do not find faults with every move people make around you.

Finally, make sure your expectations are not just for now, a lot of women look for ready-made men and lose their husbands in the process. A man may not have everything right now, but if he is a child of God, hardworking and has prospects, the future is bright. You will be amazed how transformed men can be with the right touch and a few bucks! A woman who is pretty today may lose her beauty due to accidents  or mishaps (that will not be your portion in Jesus name). Marry for what is in the heart of a woman, the inner beauty, compassion and love of God. Be friends with whoever you want to marry, be able to communicate with them.  Learn to respect others, so you too can be respected. If you have a friend and your relationship does not end in marriage, do not be nasty you will be amazed the next place your paths will cross.  Be willing to build together, invest prayer, love  and time into your relationship and watch it blossom in years down the road.
I look forward to welcoming you into the company of the married soon!


Monday, 13 August 2012

Human Beings Are Users

It had been a real hectic weekend, packed with activities and a lot of running up and down. The turn out was impressive and everyone who attended had a positive remark about the venue, refreshments, quality of the presentation. In short, it was such a great success. However, Emmanuel was exhausted, upset and almost bitter, he felt used and it was just so difficult to place his finger on the exact reason for being upset. He mumbled a few lines of prayer and said, "well, that is it, I do not want to be a part of this organization anymore".
It is very easy to give up especially when you have labored and it seems your effort is not being recognized or rewarded. How many times have you left family functions with thoughts of "I do not want to be a part of any joint function going forward" because of the way your were treated or because you felt belittled? How about your involvement as a volunteer or your church group, women's society, secular world etc. "There almost is no difference the way people use others for their purpose" you may think.
Yes it is quite discouraging and you wonder why bother? God knows and He sees and He speaks directly to our hearts whenever we are at our wits end. Your in-laws that were always flocking around your husband have grown up and they do not need help or assistance anymore, therefore you do not hear from them. You knew the sacrifice you had to make to ensure all things were held together when he was supporting them and now you feel used because they do not even bother giving you a call. When your phone rings and you see the number of the chairman of your committee, you know there is an errand he/she needs you to run, once the program is over, you do not hear from him/her anymore.
It hurts and it makes doing good challenging. However, it is important to always check why we do good... Do I do the things I do for recognition, do those things improve my sense of self worth? Do I do them because they bring popularity and people just call my name and tell me how wonderful I am? If any of my reasons does not stem from the fact that it is unto the Lord, then, I can not be free from disappointment and hurt. Once the issue of why is settled, there will be no chance for hurt or disappointment.
2 Thessalonians 3:13 NKJV
"But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good".
The last time your mother in-law was around, you knew the things you did to make her comfortable, the errands you ran and all you do to ensure she felt at home. When your own mother came visiting you know the kind of attitude your spouse put up and it was very annoying, you have vouched "never again will his/her own mother enjoy such care again". Remember, if you decide to give an eye for an eye, there will a whole lot of blind people around.
If you lose your personality because you are dealing with an ingrate, you will no longer be YOU by the time an appreciative person comes along. You would have lost the essence of what God called you to be/do. 
My Prayer: Lord renew my strength in you, realign my focus so that I will not lose the essence of my being in the face of trials.

Friday, 10 August 2012

My husband is the best Man in the whole world!

I wrote this title as my Facebook status yesterday knowing I was going to get a variety of responses and truly I got all sorts...  For those who are reading you probably have mixed reactions; curiosity, irritation, indifference. The main reason is to let you know that people will treat your spouse the way you treat them. If you portray your wife as next to the Queen of England, very few people will have the audacity to treat her otherwise. If your man is portrayed as a king, he will be seen in the best light from friends and all. With a title like this, you are likely to want to meet my husband and see what makes him this special. In the same vein if I write something negative, you are likely to want to satisfy your curiosity and find out what kind of man he is to get such negative publicity.

How many of us are quick to wear an attitude of "couldn't care less" when we have misunderstanding with our spouses? I was talking to a friend once and she called her husband all the ugly names in the book. Yes, he has offended you and you are upset, part of self control is the ability to "keep somethings in" when you are upset just because of the day that same husband will have a status update as "honey, sweetie, sugar, dearie" and all the diabetes causing

Our human nature comes into play and we offend one another, but do not air all linen on the public line because change is the only permanent thing. We learn every day and what is making you upset and angry today may not carry the same weight tomorrow when you have matured beyond that level. Are you quick to report your spouse to your parents,friends and Pastor? You need to understand that we all have faults as humans and refrain from doing so.

 I do not speak about silence in an abusive relationship! For every time your husband does not buy a birthday present or does not give your parents money, he becomes "enemy of the state". "My friend's husband bought her a brand new car for her birthday, how come this man has never bought me a good handbag?"  Thank God for husbands who can buy the whole world for their spouses, that tells me you have a lot of work to do in the place of prayer... Promotion does not come from the East or from the West, you need to ask God to promote your husband too. We need to exercise caution and discipline in the way we express our hurts.

That man/woman may mature and come to a place of understanding far better than where he/she is today, how would you redeem his/her image at that point? An older friend of mine was giving a testimony one day and he said "I thank God for my wife, she keeps me on track" the guy is educated and knows what he is doing but the wife just helps him get himself together in the face of his many commitments and he openly appreciated her. Are you apologetic or ashamed of your spouse in anyway? The rich also cry! If the people who look like they have it all figured out and together should tell you what it takes to 'look' the way they do, you will thank God for your blessings...

For the woman who is sloppy and does not know how to cook, encouragement and support can make her a great competition for Martha Stewart. Complements and interest in what she is doing can make her go all out to improve but if you are always destroying her self esteem by your comments, she may just give up totally. Ridiculing and comparing your spouse with someone's will only breed indifference in them. Be grateful for whom God has given you and with team work the shortcomings will be improved.

2Corinthians 10:12 NKJ

"For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise".

It is about time you start walking by faith and calling the things that are not as though they were, as a man/woman thinks in his heart, so is he...You can work with God to make your spouse the best in the whole world.

You are not allowed to get upset or irritated with me, what do you see? Yes, I mean that, my husband is the best man in the whole wide world!!!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Coat of Many Colors

I have a number of young guys in my church that I can call my sons, but there is a particular one who touches my heart by the simple things he does. He greets me with a hug and a smile that makes him so charming. It is not unusual for him to approach me with the sweetest smile and say; "Auntie, is there anything I can help you with"? Trust me there are Sundays in church when I could use a whole lot of assistance. He always bring a smile to my face and heart and I just love him...

As I was trusting God for what to write on tonight, the Lord brought my young friend to mind, I was thinking perhaps God wanted me to write about his attributes but no, it was about my selfish love. Why do I love this young man and not the countless others who do not care whether I walk on my head or not? Should the love of God have any condition/attachment or "because" to it? NO! That is why it is Agape, unconditional love.

As parents, why do we love our children? Yes, I know you gave birth to them but you know the ones that are dear to your heart, that you feel very close to...hmm, is it not because they touch a special cord in your heart? You know you have the general love for others but a special love for that one child who listens, who validates you and makes you feel special, who complements you and always tells you you are the best in the West.  A number of examples abound in the bible about parents who loved their children for one reason or the other, Isaac enjoyed Esau's barbeque and loved him for that, Jacob loved Joseph specially for a different reason, Jesse probably loved his dudes because of their  height and comely features and the list goes on.

When a child looks like you physically or has some traits that positively remind you of yourself you just love them. For the other(s) who do not have any 'definition character-wise' you love them with "general love". A number of things we do now can create problems for our children later on in life, may that not be your portion in Jesus name. How many of us tell one child what is not complementary or favorable about another child? I am not sure who this message is for, but it is important to keep our preferences to ourselves and not show it or talk about how special a child is or how better a child is than the other.

Most of the time, we ignorantly do this, but the damaging effect on the child who is less preferred is usually great. The child may never tell you but do you know how important it is to be validated by your parents? You were once a child and you remember how great it felt when your parent, especially your Dad told you "you have made me really proud", that is worth its weight in gold. Why then would you dampen the spirit of your child because he/she is not at the point you want them to be?

I remember a young man, who had so many challenges with his personality, disposition to life and so on. He was considered a problem child, his parents did not mince words about this as they treated him shabbily compared with his other focused and successful brother. Well, guess what? Their father took ill, he had so much on his mind, probably how to put his house in order but the man could not speak anymore. It was the same son who was termed irresponsible that was with the father towards the end of his life and he lived up to his responsibility by staying with his father till he gave up the ghost and communicating his wishes to the appropriate person.

Genesis 37:3 NKJV
Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors.

Joseph's coat of many colors was the same evidence his brothers brought to their father to break the news of his death or their deceit. What coat of many colors are you giving one child and not the other? Be careful lest you sow the seed of bitterness into your child, this can grow up and cause a major problem for you and for them later in life. Every child regardless of their weaknesses or inadequacies deserve to be loved and taught the right way. Instead of making a coat of many colors, make a prayer list that will deposit God's blessings into the lives of your children, keep praying and watch God bring His plan to pass in the lives of your children.

My prayer: Lord, fulfill your word in the lives of my children and make them for signs and wonders in their generation for good.


Saturday, 4 August 2012

By the Rivers of Babylon (Final Part)

Funmi continued to cry and sob and she was on floor, she refused to be consoled, “how can I face our world, have I preached and lived a phony life?  Chucks please kill me, I am better off dead, I can not face the consequence of this, the shame and ridicule will be too much for my heart to bear. Oh! Chucks, what have I done to deserve this?” “Lord!” She continued, Chucks lifted her up and told her to wipe her face and that he would talk to her about this tomorrow but he needed to go back to bed as he had an early meeting in the morning. “Ah!, she exclaimed, Lord, help me, my life is turning upside down so rapidly”. Chucks looked at the clock on the wall in their study, the time was 0530am. “Funmi, seriously, I need to get some sleep before I set out, see you later” he sauntered out of the study room.  Funmi sat up with her back against the wall on the floor of the study room; like a little girl who had been reprimanded, her head was throbbing from all the crying but her mind was racing as if it was going to explode. 

Funmi  laid on the floor of the study room and started praying, “mercy Oh Lord, have mercy on us, if you are to mark iniquity, who will stand? we have sinned and fallen short of your glory”. She kept on interceding on behalf of her husband and herself. By the time she finished it was 0830 and she knew she had to get ready for work even though she was already late. She got to work and told her secretary to clear her calendar as she had an emergency to attend to.  She called Tumi from her office and told her she needed to talk. Tumi left her office and went over to Funmi’s, she hurriedly went over the events of the previous night but they could not talk for long because of the office environment. Tumi opted to spend the rest of the day with Funmi as they planned the next line of action. The time was 2:30pm and Funmi was lying on the sofa in the sitting room, Tumi had gone into the kitchen to fix a light meal for them,she wanted to be sure Funmi was doing well before leaving her to go to her own home. It has been a very long, hectic but productive day. They can only hope that it will not back fire to hurt both of them.

The door bell rang and Funmi got up to answer it. She was surprised to see the cops (Police officers) in mufti in from of her house, “what can I do for you officer” she asked.” Yes, we are from the Provincial Anti Pornography Task Force and we have a search warrant for this house”. He motioned to the other Policemen standing with Chucks. Funmi stretched her neck to see Chucks standing with two other cops. Chucks was mute and looked like he had seen a ghost. The Police officer said they were carrying out a raid at the cyber cafe because they had been tipped off about illegal soliciting of sex online at that cafe. Chucks happened to be using a computer at the cafe at the time, the history of the computer showed that pornographic materials had been downloaded. The clerk had maintained that Chucks only comes there for business purposes as he comes there with documents and a USB drive every other day. It did not matter what was asked Chucks had not been able to respond to any of the accusations so there is a search warrant to check his home for any material that may suggest his involvement in possession or distribution of pornographic materials especially involving under aged children.

“Please feel free to come in” Funmi said. Chucks was terrified, he was sure that he was going to lose everything, he remembered the images Funmi had seen the previous night and the conversation box that made her scream. Was she trying to get back at him? Did she have the slightest idea of what the consequence of his arrest will mean to their family and church? His feet were as heavy as lead as he walked into his own house. “Where do you have your computer madam” the Police officer asked. “Officer, we have no computer at this time” and she opened the door to the study room. The Policeman asked her what she does and she mentioned her company name.  The Policeman looked around the  house and did not find anything. Since the downloaded material at the cafe could have been anyone’s since it was a public computer and the clerk provided a great alibi, they allowed Chucks to go free. 

Funmi stood at the door leading to the house and waved bye to the clerk and Police officer.  She locked the door and appreciated God for His mercy that prevailed. She went inside and found Chucks on his face in the sitting room. He was weeping and pleading for God’s mercy.  Funmi, please forgive me, please, I know I have offended you. Funmi smiled, seeing that God took care of the situation and she did not need to preach any sermon. Chucks was broken,he was so close to loosing his name and career... Tumi  came in from the kitchen  although she heard what was going on but she did not want to say anything  in order to give them some privacy. How Funmi could have known to throw away the computer? He did not have to argue for too long, he knew he needed help, he also knew the first step was to get rid of the link and source of his addiction. Funmi called Tumi and appreciated her for her godly counsel, had Tumi not come home with her to get rid of the computer, the story would have been different.
Tumi had told Funmi the first step to break Chucks addiction was to severe his link with the source. They had both anticipated that all hell was going to break lose when Chucks finds out the computer had been thrown out.  Chucks  could not say much for the rest of the night; he just kept crying and praying for God’s forgiveness.  He was long lost in his indulgence and there was no stopping him as he had resources to fund and fuel his lust. He knew he had to take a bold step and start doing something about it. What mercy he had received! He asked that his wife join him as they rebuild the prayer altar in their home. Chucks apologized to his wife, he needed to be accountable to God...

Chucks approached his Pastor and told him about the need to educate men about the evil of PORNOGRAPHY.  He narrated how he was in captivity and it was almost broke his home. He had purposely gone into captivity without an invisible chain, he had progressed towards hell and “he could not sing the Lord song anymore”. Everytime he went online, he had to hide his identity and his conscience had become seared, he thought he needed something more to feel good about himself, he experienced MID LIFE CRISIS as he was afraid that he was no longer appealing since his wife was the only woman in his life, he needed to regain his prowess, be  in control and he needed to do something that would keep him feeling so good. He chose the wrong thing but for God! He told the Pastor how he planned to intimidate his wife after her discovery of his secret but God outwitted him by the cybercafé episode.

Chucks became accountable to his Pastor and God, they worked on a seminar to teach men about the danger of pornography and its negative effect on your home and walk with God. Tumi and Funmi spoke to women about how to handle men who are battling addiction to pornography. The devil meant it for evil but with conscious effort and lots of prayers, they were able to sing the Lord’s song to shame the enemy...By the Rivers of Babylon...
 Pornography is our present day cancer, it doesn’t stop at looking or peeking, you always want more and it sucks you in to its endless craving for more and then you would want to experience it going beyond ordinary viewing or talking. If you are battling this canker worm, please seek help, do not feel ashamed because it thrives on secrecy and it holds you in long, strong chains forever. Prayer is able to break the hold of sin upon your life only if you are willing, you also have to be accountable to someone, it may seem embarrassing given your position or title but you are better off embarrassing yourself by choice than allowing the devil to ridicule you and ask you to “sing Zion song” in a  strange land.
I welcome your comments...
Please feel free to drop a line:

Thursday, 2 August 2012

By the Rivers of Babylon

By the Rivers of Babylon (Part 1)

Tumi sat down under the patio watching  her boys; Demi 18, Dotun 17 and Dapo 14 as they played soccer in their big backyard. She is ever grateful to God for the closeness she nurtured in the boys that  God has allowed to thrive. They love and care deeply for one another and this gave Tumi a different kind of joy knowing that they will always be there, one for the other.  Life has been good; the boys are doing well at school, they have been trained to take care of the house, cook and work around the house. They are very fond of their Mum and would always tease her, compliment her and tell her she has set a very high standard that will almost be impossible for any girl they meet to beat. Fowope, her husband just got promoted recently at work to become a Regional Vice President with his Insurance company, Tumi has started her own consulting firm and it is amazing the kind of growth she has experienced within the space of 3 years! Sure the future looks great. 

Fowope and Tumi got married 18years ago, they both attended the same church; dedicated workers and  beautiful Christians. Most of Tumi’s girlfriends are Christians, some had been Christians from her University days and she has made a few good friends from work. Her conversation with one of her friends today, Funmi worried her ...their discussion had centred around “Mid Life Crisis” and they were discussing about whether Christian men go through that as well. Funmi who owns an Accounting firm of her own in town had responded, “let’s not fool ourselves by saying we will be exempted from certain societal ills just because we are Christians, all men are equal”. Funmi has been one of those dynamic, strong and focussed girls that will convince you about just anything with her dedication. She has been a Christian longer than most of her friends but her attitude towards life these days has worried Tumi who silently considers her a role model.

Tumi had heard people talk about “Midlife crisis” but she has always thought about that from the perspective of  a man leaving  his wife for a younger one. So she decided to look into what the whole idea of midlife crisis is about.  The dictionary definition she found baffled her because she was not expecting a socially accepted definition, however, it was defined as “a period of psychological stress occurring in the middle age, thought to be triggered by a physical, occupational or domestic event, as menopause, diminution of physical prowess, job loss or departure of children from the home, it is also a time to question what’s been done or not, it is often due to life progression due to life challenges”.

She decided to talk more with Funmi about it knowing something was gnawing at her mind but unsure how to open up about it. Tumi decided to meet Funmi for lunch since they worked in the same area downtown, they chatted excitedly like young girls and were glad they could make the meeting away from their crazy busy schedules. Tumi did not mince words and asked Funmi what was going on to which she responded “Tumi, I am dying inside!, how do I explain to anyone that I have issues when my husband has never  abused me in anyway, he does what every woman prays that her man would do, but he has just become addicted to pornography! He is a respectable elder in the church, who can I turn to among the ministers or Pastor that will understand my plight?” she blurted out. 

Tumi was completely taken aback, unsure of how to approach what Funmi just spilled out, the look on her face must have given her away because Funmi said, “yes, I know it is bad, I know it is despicable but I do not know what to do!. I had a feeling that you were going to talk to me about this because I had been praying that God will deliver him. It has been going on for a while and he even asked me to watch a movie with him once, he said we are adults and we can improve our love life by watching some stuff like that. Tumi, I almost puked and I felt very filthy when I watched pornography with Chuks”.
Tumi had thought it was one of the issues that could be “settled” or needed encouragement that Funmi was going to talk to her about but the ‘bomb’ that was dropped was more than what she could handle. Tumi asked the Holy spirit for wisdom to handle the situation, “Funmi, I must confess this is overwhelming and I am not sure where to start from or what to say, can we get together later tonight at my place? We will figure something out dear, the Lord will not give you more than you can bear, I am so sorry”. Tumi and Funmi ate the rest of their meals trying not to talk about  Funmi’s situation, they commented on the food and the skimpy clothes that are in vogue.  They parted and agreed to meet  6:30pm at Tumi’s place.

The drive home was not as bad as Tumi anticipated this will allow her to prepare herself for the session tonight, the Lord laid a couple of scriptures on her mind to share with her friend and she wanted to pray ahead with those scriptures. Tumi heard the door bell and made her way downstairs to open the door, Funmi was standing outside with a look of anxiety on her face, she made her way in and they went into the family study to talk. Funmi started, “Tumi, I appreciate every bit of what you are doing and I want you to know that being able to open up to you has taken a load off me”. Tumi drew her into a warm embrace and they both wept. “Ok, Funmi, the Lord has been laying some verses of scriptures on my mind and we have to be sincere with Him”.

Psalms 137:1-3 NKJV
By the rivers of Babylon,
There we sat down, yea, we wept
When we remembered Zion.
2 We hung our harps
Upon the willows in the midst of it.
3 For there those who carried us away captive asked of us a song,
And those who plundered us requested mirth,
Saying, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

How did you get to this point? In what way have you neglected God and accommodated pleasure to the detriment of your walk with God? Captivity comes when we step out of God’s wall of protection around us, and it opens us up to the ridicule of the enemy. They repented on behalf of Chucks and Funmi, worshiped,  prayed hard, and wept. By the time they finished it was late but they  felt a warm feeling flood their hearts and Funmi felt revived knowing without a doubt they had touched the hem of Christ’s garment and obtained mercy. The time was 1045pm when Funmi got home. Chucks was really upset that she was returning home that late, Funmi explained that she had gone to meet with Tumi and that they had a prayer session. Chucks felt guilty not sure what the whole session was about. “So what was the prayer meeting about?” he asked sarcastically. Funmi smiled and said, “we will talk about that later honey?”  She asked Chucks what he would like for dinner and his response baffled her a bit “dinner at almost midnight? You should have thought about that before organizing a prayer meeting for an odd time like tonight”.  Funmi felt slighted and knew Chucks was trying to put up a wall to prevent him from having a discussion tonight. She responded; “honey, am so sorry it was just meant to be a quick discussion but you know how women are, we hardly have such opportunities, as such, we decided to make the most of it..., let me whip something together for you, salad?”.  Chucks nodded reluctantly and in no time Funmi had mixed the salad together and dropped some nuts in it, she teasingly said to her husband, you are what you eat... Chucks was forced to smile and responded “hey, am no nuts okay”.

As they settled in bed for the night, Funmi prayed hard wondering how to start the talk to express her concerns about Chucks addiction – pornography. “Honey, God has been really good to us when we consider where He has brought us from, today, I saw an old friend in the elevator of my building and she said she was going to attend an interview as a clerk, I could not help but thank God for making me the principal of my own firm” Funmi  said almost whispering.  Chucks started , “we have been blessed and with little effort these days, God’s blessings keep pouring in”.  “We have to be careful to mind our estate and not allow the enemy to get a foot hold or pollute our blessings” Funmi chipped in. Her heart was racing, the mood was just perfect and she didn’t want to ruin it with what she had in mind. “God, please help me” she prayed silently. The light went off and she started whispering some prayers, Chucks mumbled amen and in no time she heard him snoring. Tears were rolling down her eyes, her heart was very heavy as she watched her husband sleeping. He was sleeping on all sides; physically and spiritually and that could be extremely dangerous. She went back downstairs unable to sleep.

Funmi tried to log into the computer in their study, the number of pop-up screens with lewd pictures made her stomach turn. “Lord, where did we break the edge”?  How come Chucks has given himself up to this addiction and it seems he does not even see anything wrong in it anymore? As she kept looking around, she stumbled upon a screen that has been minimized, and as she read it she let out a scream and she covered her own mouth, it was an online conversation with a teenager, who was willing to meet up with Chucks for a drink. She kept screaming as she read the conversation, her husband’s chronic disease had gone from ordinary viewing to conversing and probably stepping his game up to the next level of meeting his online ‘friends’ face-to-face’. Funmi screamed and wept loudly, Chucks came rushing downstairs not sure of what was going on.  Funmi was crying bitterly on the floor and nothing Chucks said could console her. She could not make any sense when she tried to speak; Chucks had seen the screen and knew his secret was out, how could he have made such a foolish mistake? He had been quite careful all this while to ensure he did not leave any trace that could lead to suspicion...To be continued.