Friendship is a very important aspect of life, therefore it is important to carefully and prayerfully select your friend(s). A lot of people have problems today because of friends they have confided in. This is not in anyway encouraging secretiveness,however, birds of the same feather they say flock together. What do you discuss with your friends? A lot of women and men have lost treasures (spouses) because they decided to listen to the comments of their friends about their wives or husbands.
A woman who begs her husband to give her feeding allowance comes over to your end and ask you if you do not like fresh things because she only eats fresh fish. You begin to wonder why your lot has to be challenging, your friends are eating the best thing and you can only afford frozen only need to see such individuals at close quarters to know that she truly needs to be cynical towards you in order to feel good. The truth of the matter is that some friends feel better about themselves by putting you down. One of the way you test your friend is by the comments they pass about you; in your presence and behind your back. If you have a friend who makes you feel bad with yourself by their comments and attitude, then you need to re evaluate such friendship.

What do you have in common with your friend? Your friends should share your values and faith. You may want to debate that however, I have come to realize that indeed birds of the same feather will flock together. An eagle has no business with a vulture. Eagles soar high up and that is God's expectation for you. You need to ask yourself some important questions "am I able to be myself in company of my friend or do I try to impress them"? "do my friend(s) encourage spiritual as well as all round growth? How do you react to situation after consulting your friend? Do your friends encourage you to be the best you can be? Well, here is what the bible says about friendship; Proverbs 12:26 NKJV
"The righteous should choose his friends carefully,
For the way of the wicked leads them astray".
Wishing you God's guidance as you audit your friend list. By the way, I have a very special friend who would do just about anything, Jesus is the best friend anyone can have.
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