Sunday, 8 September 2013

Tale of Two Women

The book of 2 Kings 4 is an interesting one, it chronicles different accounts of faith. Our focus here is about the two women in the early part of the passage. There are two stories of two women; one used what she had to receive by faith while the other one touched God with her faith to receive.

The wife of the son of prophet. 2 Kings 4:1-7
She had a need, she cried and to the right person. Elisha did not get pulled in to her pity party, no stories, he asked her direct questions that had to do with her situation. We all have needs however, how do we go about seeking for help? Do you whine, complain about what you do not have, how unfair life has been etc or do you ask for help and trust God for the right solution/counsel?  He asked her what she had at home. In order to attain fulfillment at home, work or ministry, you have to identify what you have and start from there. It does not matter how insignificant or meagre you think your potential is, that is what you need to start with. This woman did not despise what was in her house, she had enough faith to launch forth into abundance after paying off her debt.
What are you despising in your home or life? For God to work with you or solve your problem, He oftentimes start from where you are and with what you have. Apply your faith to jump start that miracle.

The Shunnamite woman whose story is found in 2 Kings 4:8-36, long story, but worth reading. I will share the points that ministered to me through her faith filled life. She was quite discerning and observant, she observed a man of God, decides to extend hospitality to him even to the extent of designating a room in her house with the consent of her husband. She was provided a decent and honorable abode for Elisha to rest whenever she was in her neighborhood. Extremely content, she did not wear her challenge across her forehead. She made up her mind that regardless of whether God does what she has been asking Him or not, she will still do good. She experienced a colossal loss of her only and long awaited son, yet she was still able to see by faith that "It is well" and it ended up being well with her. She was not unduly emotional or irrational. She made the most of what she had, she was married to an "old man". Perhaps the old man had no understanding of time, yet she still respected him and his leadership. Maybe they had both waited and age had crept in on the man. She refused to allow Gehazi go with her because she probably was privy to some of his flaws but just decided to look away from them. She accepted the will of God, manifested in His love and Care for her. She was able to obtain what she longed for through her dedication and commitment to God. I believe God is our Father who understands where we are in our different walk with Him.

I pray that this new week, you will experience the hand of God that will move on your behalf for favour and grace to erase every longstanding challenges.
Some people only need faith to get by on a daily basis but others use faith to obtain solutions to long standing issues.


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