Monday, 22 April 2013

Goal Post

For those who are very familiar with sports, you know the importance of the goal post. It usually refers to the physical structure or area of the playing surface where scoring takes place. In most sports, you win when you score a goal in the courts of your opponent. I know what tension builds up in my sitting room when my husband watches a soccer game; from screaming to closing in on the television screen when a goal is about to be scored...hmm! I am sure you are wondering where I am going with this soccer related topic since, I only show interest in soccer for my husband's

Regardless of where you live lately, there has been an overwhelming and almost depressing news about sickness most especially cancer, stormy marriages, children acting out, some of them totally living lives that oppose their family values and upbringing. There is a general atmosphere of gloom if you choose to focus only on the things that are not going right. I wonder and ponder over why things are the way they are even in Christian circles; wrong choices, demonstration of ego, pride and greed abound to the detriment of our Christian profession.

I went back into the word of God where there is assurance, consolation and hope, here is what God wants you to know for now, Proverbs 4:23 NLT

"Guard your heart above all else,
 for it determines the course of your life".

When two teams are playing on the field, each one is attempting to score within the goal post of the other. So it is, when pressures, doubts, sin, lack, sickness, barrenness,infidelity, temptation and even depression attempt to score a goal within the post of your heart, you need to stand up and set a watch over your heart, guard it!. What goal is the enemy attempting to score at your post? Your situation defers from the other party, that is why you can not afford to compare notes with anyone rather, you take your notes and instructions from God. Sometimes, the devil will suggest to you that there is nothing worth living for regardless of whatever God has done for you. The enemy allows you to focus on the things that are not working, steals your heart of praise so you convince yourself beyond any doubt that you do not have any reason to praise or live hence, the conclusion to end it all. Depression is a dark, deep hole the enemy digs ahead of you, once you slip into it, it takes the special grace of God to struggle or crawl out of it.

The negative ideas that settle in your mind buttressed by facts about things that are happening should be refused immediately. People are dying, without any doubt, I mean godly and righteous people, yeah, but if it is not yet your time, why must you allow the enemy to waste your strength about what you have no ability to change? No one knows the next person to die, that is why God alone is God! You have to take charge: believe what God says about you, live your life as happily as you can, the things that are yet to come to pass will only come to pass at the appropriate and God ordained moment. Worry causes your faith to dwindle, praise and a heart of gratitude cause you to see things better and be hopeful. The enemy intends to play games with those things that are important to you; promises, prophesies and God's plan and purpose for your life. You have a crucial part to play, be vigilant, attentive and active so that the devil does not score goals in your heart due to carelessness. How many people have destroyed their health because of disappointments in marriages; mental health issues, heart conditions due to stress, cancer due to toxins from bitterness and other health problems that have stemmed from neglect, betrayal and so on?Please do not misunderstand my last statement as trivializing the impact of a broken marriage on one's health. As a matter of fact, I live everyday with a passion to see individuals build godly homes and for those who are single to make sure they lay a solid foundation that will stand the test of time. A broken marriage can weary your heart and destroy your body. Look before you leap!

Whether at work,home or in your community, ensure you put in your best, serve God through the things you do for man. Discover your purpose and fulfill it, eternity beckons to both young and old, but when you prepare and are ready, it will not catch you unawares. Be informed about your health. Do you eat healthy? Are you physically fit? These are ways you can guard your life. So what is my antidote for all these issues? I have none outside the word of God. For anyone to think there is a clear solution that can instantly take care of the things we daily face is to day dream. We can never deny the reality of our situations and circumstances, however, we can choose to live one day at a time in the assurance of God's love and believe in what He has promised us for tomorrow. These indeed are times when the heart of men are failing them...Luke 21:25-28 NKJV

 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

Wise men still choose Jesus! If you read this without the assurance of eternity, that if death comes calling you will be caught off guard, it then follows that you need to prepare to meet your God.Accept that you are a sinner because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Ask God to forgive you your sins and write your name in the lamb's book of life. Repent,forsake your sins and never go back to them, Jesus reconciled us back to God when He was on the cross. Believe in the work of salvation that Jesus did when he died on the cross and begin to walk in the Word by living your life to please the Lord. If you are born again already, do not walk away from the path of grace.

Just like earthly athletes practice and prepare for each game, they keep fit so that they are able to compete against their opponents, even so are we to keep fit spiritually, physically and emotionally so we are fit to handle whatever comes our way with the Word of God. Tension mounts up on either sides of the court when a goal is about to be scored, that is why you are likely to experience a heavy feeling in your heart, but watch and pray and refuse the enemy entry into your treasure. When you are prepared, you prevent the enemy from scoring within your GOAL POST that is your HEART!

May God's peace guard your heart and have a glorious week ahead!


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