Friday, 26 April 2013

I am offended...

Thank God it is Friday! 

Living together will always cause you to rub against the next person, sometimes wrongly. Offences, sometimes intentional other times accidental, how do you handle them? If offences and differences are not handled well, they can constitute the main focus of your relationship and take away the joy of companionship. 

Offences are a given, the Bible buttresses this..."Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come..." Luke 17:1a

It forms the foundation of destruction in most relationships, marital or every other. Having an understanding of how to handle it brings peace. Forgiveness is a hard pill we are enjoined to swallow each time we are offended. Who offends us more than the ones we love and are close to us? 

Corrie ten Boom, a woman who survived the Nazi camp where she lost her father and sister, came face to face with one of the cruel guards who held her at the camp as she shared at one of her meetings. She spoke about the love of God and His ability to  forgive and the guard asked if she could forgive,  she did with hesitance and here is what she said about survivors of that cruel camp and forgiveness, "those who were able to forgive their former enemies were able to return to the outside work and rebuild their lives, no matter what the physical scars. Those who nursed their bitterness remained invalids". 

Nursing your hurts can make and keep you an invalid, forgive, move on, build your life, humans will always be a problem and they will always be a solution. Rise above your hurts and get a new lease on life!

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