Tuesday 20 September 2011

Cause and Effect

I have come to realise that you need to enter every environment as a learner for you to avoid jumping to unnecessary conclusions. I was talking with a friend this past week, she had waited for the fruit of the womb for almost 8 years after marriage. Needless to say that everywhere she turned to,  friends were quick to say "very soon your joy too will be full" because they all knew her 'pressure point'. She had to recoil into her shell as she became a public spectacle. She went further to say, some concluded that she must have carried out so many abortions that her womb had become perforated. She smiled as she said those words and I could not help but say congratulations to her all over again.
Perhaps you are going through a situation; difficult marriage, childlessness, lack or poverty, difficult children,sickness, joblessness etc and you have heard negative comments to your own ears;she is not a good home maker that is why she is having challenges in her home, he is just a college graduate, he may have to go back to school to get a good job etc.  Be of good cheer! The disciples who walked closely with Jesus jumped to similar conclusions when they came across a man who was born blind;
John 9:2-3 The Message 
"His disciples asked, "Rabbi, who sinned: this man or his parents, causing him to be born blind?" 3-5Jesus said, "You're asking the wrong question. You're looking for someone to blame. There is no such cause-effect here. Look instead for what God can do."
It is not all the time that people go through challenges because of the sin they have commited. Like Jesus said, it is to the glory of the Lord. If you are going through challenges and you are wondering where you have missed it, whom you have offended or people are suggesting that you are reaping the fruit of the seed planted by your parents. I want you to be encouraged, God alone will be glorified concerning your situation in Jesus name. People's conclusion about you does not matter, it is God's conclusion and report that will have the final say. God has said I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy on! You are a candidate for His mercy through Jesus Christ, your testimony shall be heard and God's name shall be glorified in Jesus name.
Let us all remember that people do not necessarily go through challenge because they have sinned, we all have our challenges and we look unto God to sort us out. So the next time you are facing a difficulty or you come across someone facing one, it may not necessarily be due to cause and effect. You are blessed, do make it a great day!

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