Friday 20 January 2012

Its a Party!

What is the color theme, which jewelry am I going to wear? The shade of pink shoes I have does not match the color theme; all our friends are planning to wear stylish dresses made from lace materials… I am sure a lot of women are no strangers to the above scenario. With the weekend here, you know how many invitations you have and you know how busy schedules are going to be this weekend.
We all enjoy the company of our friends and family during celebrations, everyone is in a joyous mood, it is a sort of reunion and so on. When the gisting(talking), dancing and feasting end what do you go home with? When you have a party is it a nice jolly party or is it a Pity Party?

 What is pity party? It is when you are feeling sorry for yourself. A lot of people organize pity party about their lives; home, career, children and almost everything. When you see what another person is doing, do you ask yourself how can I improve myself in order to accomplish my purpose in life?Or do you ask "how come my own life is like this?"

 If you are single do you ask yourself what you do wrong or what crime you have committed that prevents the right men from coming to you? Or how come you can not find a girl as beautiful, godly and homely like your friends?  To the married; do you wonder why your friends have better husbands/wives, homes or children? When you are looking at other people’s ‘grass’ and wondering why it is greener than yours,  know for sure that they are likely to be spending more money or time to maintain such lush and neat lawn.

Pity party borders on ingratitude. It is always a case of you against the whole world; others are doing it right, having fun, moving ahead but not you. Others have a good home, have nicer children, houses, cars but you do not. Your pastor friend has a bigger ministry than you and you started at the same time.  Pity party is a subtle way that allows the devil to sow the seed of depression in lives. Have you also noticed that when you feel sorry for yourself and talk to the whole world about it all they say is “oh, sorry.”, "it is well".  Pity party does not provide any solution to the problem at hand, rather it worsens it.

Turning to our manual; 2 Corinthians 10:12 NKJV
“By they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise”.

Some people will always be richer, prettier, more charismatic than others. Some women will just seem to be perfect, some men too will seem to be the epitome of achievement but are those things not relative? Have you realized the individuals choose how to live their lives and make themselves happy? Why must you weary yourself because you are comparing yourself with someone else? God has given each one of us talents and abilities. Let us focus and thrive where God has planted us. God is working out His will for your life, remain connected and do not lose faith.

So, next time you want to organize a party, make sure it is to celebrate what God is doing in your life and the strides you are making…not a Pity party!

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