Friday 4 May 2012

What Angle?

"We do not see things the way they are, we see them the way we are" - Rick Warren. Isnt it so true? If you are optimistic and trust in God, things are likely to work out regardless of stress and pressure. However, if the glass is always half empty, you may always whine and complain. Your perception will determine your attitude and disposition, these ultimately affect the outcome of what you do.

As husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, single and successful individuals(thats how you should perceive yourself regardless of what you see now) what is your perception about your home? "Marriage does not really work anymore, we just have to keep at it, struggle and patch it". If you have that attitude towards your circular job is that likely to bring success or promotion?

The same way you desire promotion, increase and improvement at work should be the same way you work at improving the home front. We take courses to improve our knowledge, we exhibit team work, people skills, emotional intelligence and focus to rise through the ranks at work... there is the primary work God has given us, what is our perception about it?

Marriage is God's idea, he wants you to find joy, promotion and fulfilment within it but it is work too!!! What areas can you improve yourself in order to improve your home; self control, perseverance, initiative, selflessness, kind words, smiles, ability to listen to someone else's view point, ability to overlook faults and generosity are a few courses we can take In God's school to improve in our marriage relationship.

If you get a job through networking, you will require personal focus, improvement and determination to sustain it. It does not matter how you got into marriage; make the best of it and make it work. If you are planning or hoping to get married, you have to start sowing the seed of prayers NOW! There are people who will not have it any other way; they will still marry their spouses if there is another life! What angle are you looking at things from? A warped angle can never produce a straight view. Align your view with God's angle.


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