Monday 5 December 2011

Become What You Believe

Men (human beings) who have been able to achieve success at one point or the other have been able to perceive that in their minds. Some have with sheer determination become icons of greatness. I consider every patriach of old who walked with God, a whole lot of them were able to see things from their spiritual point of view. Abraham at a very old age was able to see his children, vast as the sand of the sea. Joseph dreamt as a teenager and he saw the future; his brethren bowing down to him. Even Rehab the harlot was able to see Israel's victory over fortified Jericho and hence, she saved herself and family from destruction and positioned herself in the lineage of the Lord Jesus.
What does your situation look like presently? What do you believe about it?. God requires your faith to execute His purpose. There are so many times God bypasses our limitations to do what HE alone is God to do. However, He expects us to walk with Him so that He does not deal with us like robots. The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, believed God when he was told that he would possess a city. I saw a glimpse of the place at its small beginnings, it looked nothing like a city! Infact, it used to be the height of inconvenience whenever I attended convention in the 80s. Today, the city that God promised him is now a reality with every amenity that could qualify any location as a city. He believed and saw what God was giving him.
Matthew 9: 29 MSG
"He touched their eyes and said, "Become what you believe.""
What do you believe that you will become? Has life doled you the wrong cards and you have accepted your lot? Perhaps you have given up on certain areas of your life; marriage(is it truly over?), child bearing, career, education, ministry, business. You have resigned yourself to fate. But you need your faith to activate a positive fate!
God is able to make a prisoner a president and not only in the old testatment! There is danger if you do not believe anything, according to His word today, you can only become what you believe. Let faith well up in you to believe and become.
God is reaching out to you today and He is saying; become what you believe!


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