Monday 6 August 2012

Coat of Many Colors

I have a number of young guys in my church that I can call my sons, but there is a particular one who touches my heart by the simple things he does. He greets me with a hug and a smile that makes him so charming. It is not unusual for him to approach me with the sweetest smile and say; "Auntie, is there anything I can help you with"? Trust me there are Sundays in church when I could use a whole lot of assistance. He always bring a smile to my face and heart and I just love him...

As I was trusting God for what to write on tonight, the Lord brought my young friend to mind, I was thinking perhaps God wanted me to write about his attributes but no, it was about my selfish love. Why do I love this young man and not the countless others who do not care whether I walk on my head or not? Should the love of God have any condition/attachment or "because" to it? NO! That is why it is Agape, unconditional love.

As parents, why do we love our children? Yes, I know you gave birth to them but you know the ones that are dear to your heart, that you feel very close to...hmm, is it not because they touch a special cord in your heart? You know you have the general love for others but a special love for that one child who listens, who validates you and makes you feel special, who complements you and always tells you you are the best in the West.  A number of examples abound in the bible about parents who loved their children for one reason or the other, Isaac enjoyed Esau's barbeque and loved him for that, Jacob loved Joseph specially for a different reason, Jesse probably loved his dudes because of their  height and comely features and the list goes on.

When a child looks like you physically or has some traits that positively remind you of yourself you just love them. For the other(s) who do not have any 'definition character-wise' you love them with "general love". A number of things we do now can create problems for our children later on in life, may that not be your portion in Jesus name. How many of us tell one child what is not complementary or favorable about another child? I am not sure who this message is for, but it is important to keep our preferences to ourselves and not show it or talk about how special a child is or how better a child is than the other.

Most of the time, we ignorantly do this, but the damaging effect on the child who is less preferred is usually great. The child may never tell you but do you know how important it is to be validated by your parents? You were once a child and you remember how great it felt when your parent, especially your Dad told you "you have made me really proud", that is worth its weight in gold. Why then would you dampen the spirit of your child because he/she is not at the point you want them to be?

I remember a young man, who had so many challenges with his personality, disposition to life and so on. He was considered a problem child, his parents did not mince words about this as they treated him shabbily compared with his other focused and successful brother. Well, guess what? Their father took ill, he had so much on his mind, probably how to put his house in order but the man could not speak anymore. It was the same son who was termed irresponsible that was with the father towards the end of his life and he lived up to his responsibility by staying with his father till he gave up the ghost and communicating his wishes to the appropriate person.

Genesis 37:3 NKJV
Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors.

Joseph's coat of many colors was the same evidence his brothers brought to their father to break the news of his death or their deceit. What coat of many colors are you giving one child and not the other? Be careful lest you sow the seed of bitterness into your child, this can grow up and cause a major problem for you and for them later in life. Every child regardless of their weaknesses or inadequacies deserve to be loved and taught the right way. Instead of making a coat of many colors, make a prayer list that will deposit God's blessings into the lives of your children, keep praying and watch God bring His plan to pass in the lives of your children.

My prayer: Lord, fulfill your word in the lives of my children and make them for signs and wonders in their generation for good.


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