Wednesday 5 December 2012

Not Easily Discouraged

After setting your goal you need to make up your mind to face challenges and not be easily discouraged. A lot of us set out into marriage with a fairy-tale mentality; about the individual, their jobs, faith, family and so on. However, we find out that human beings are constantly changing. The in-laws who saw you as the best thing that ever happened to their child are the first to ask if the girl has been around town if she is unable to conceive on time. The young man who is described as an angel of God becomes irresponsible if he loses his job or if things are not loooking too bright for him. Parents will call you in confidence to find out if your spouse has ancestral problems if a certain trend is observed in him. Your commitment will help you fight your battles in the place of prayer.

When your spouse's attitude changes about all things and everything, she/he becomes lukewarm towards the things of God, commitment helps you exercise patience in encouraging as well as praying for her/him so that her/his zeal does not die. Commitment takes away the tendency to act like Job's wife in the face of trials and temptations. We all face our fair share of trials and they do not all come in the same flavour, so you hardly can apply someone else's medication to yours...

Genesis 29:22-25 articulates Laban's deception.
Jacob had commited to marrying Rachel, he had served with all his heart and mind and was looking forward to reaping the fruit of his labour by having his pretty wife wake up by his side the day after marriage, but lo, it was Leah, Rachel's weak and dull looking eyes he woke up to behold! Commitment makes you believe the best about your spouse even when it does not seem as if anything good will come out of there present situation. Or when you wonder where the person you fell in love disappeared to.

There are times in your marriage when the 'fire' might not necessarily be burning. Changes to a growing family; children who are too close in age, increasing finances sometimes make you wonder where the good old days of being able to afford whatever you wanted flew to, however, commitment with total trust in God will see you through the tough days.

Maybe you are experiencing deception in your marriage and you are thinking of ending it...if your husband started out on the right path and pressures are making him give up on God, you do not have to abandon him for the devil. If the wife you married seems to be wavering and you observe traits that do not exemplify christian virtues, what do you do? Do you leave them in pursuit of another angel? When your spouse struggles with life, in decision making, in knowing the next direction for the family do you dispise them and become discouraged? Yell at them and take over the reins of the family direction? I have come to realize that it is easy to lead or follow as long as you remember you are human. That means, we make mistakes, we take wrong decisions,some are costly but we need to stay together to clean up our messes.
You can attain whatever height you hope or plan for as long as you are commited to your set goals. Do not be downcast things can only get better.


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